Grand River Institute (GRI) is a small business located in Grand Junction, Colorado. Since 1978, GRI has been engaged in archaeological, historical, and environmental work in both Utah and Colorado.
GRI personnel have completed inventory projects that have ranged from single oil/gas well locations to tracts of several thousand acres, and monitoring projects that have included excavations around historic buildings, well pad construction, and pipeline trenching. Clients have included oil and gas developers; pipeline, mining and railroad companies; seismic businesses; engineering firms; generation and transmission associations; local governments and various federal agencies.
Principle Investigator, Carl E. Conner, has held cultural resource permits from the Bureau of Land Management since 1975. He has extensive experience in cultural resource project coordination, which facilitates rapid and accurate completion of any sized undertaking. Along with staff archaeologists Curtis Martin and Barbara Davenport, GRI personnel have a combined total of over 50 years experience in contract archaeology. Currently, GRI holds Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, and State permits in Colorado and Utah.
✜ Cultural Resource Surveys
✜ Archaeological Monitoring
✜ Mitigation Planning
✜ Site Evaluative Testing
✜ Site Excavation
✜ Historic Documentation (HABS/HAER)
✜ Rock Art Analysis and Preservation
Grand River Institute houses a complete archaeological laboratory and library of regional cultural resource documents. It has computer capabilities for data processing and report preparation. The laboratory also serves as a temporary curation facility for ongoing and recent projects.
All studies are designed to maximize cultural information retrieval while minimizing the client’s time/cost factors. Field work can often start the day after the request is received, and reports are generated immediately following its completion. The only exception to this is inclement weather, as the permitting agencies have strict requirements regarding snow cover and ground visibility.
Phone: (970) 245-7868